Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para to wound en español

verb | verb

wound verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
wounded, has wounded, is wounding, wounds

Ejemplos de uso de
wound verb

  • Four people were seriously wounded in the explosion.
  • The soldier's leg was wounded by a grenade.
  • Losing the match wounded his pride .

wind verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
wound, has wound, is winding, winds
dejar sin aliento; envolver, enrollar; serpentear; hacer girar

Sinónimos detallados para wind verb

Ver: Injure

Traducción inversa para to wound

herir  - to injure, to wound, to hurt, to offend 
envolver  - to wrap, to envelop, to surround, to entangle, to involve 
enrollar  - to roll up, to coil 
serpentear  - to twist, to wind 
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